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Prof. Dr. Federico Spinetti

Ehemaliger Professor für Musikwissenschaft (Musikethnologie) / Former Professor of Musicology (Ethnomusicology)

Musikwissenschaftliches Institut
50923 Köln

Raum 1.407 (Hauptgebäude) 

Tel.: +49-(0)221-470-2339
Email: fspinettSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de




Aktuelle Publikationen / Current Publications

  • The Enemy – A Partisan Hymnbook: Critical Notes on Memory, Music, and the Making of a Documentary Film. In: Amra Bosnić and Naida Hukić (eds) Music in Society. Sarajevo: Musicological Society of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Academy of Music, University of Sarajevo, 2018, 217-245.
  • Of Mirrors and Frames: Music, Sound, and Architecture at the Iranian Zurkhâneh.”In: Michael Frishkopf and Federico Spinetti (eds) Music, Sound, and Architecture in Islam. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2018, 356-384.
  • Choreographing the Self: Staged Folklore and Popular Music in Rural Tajikistan. Ethnomusicology Ireland, 5, 75-100.

Wichtigste Forschungsschwerpunkte / Main research fields

  • Ethnomusicology of the Near East, Iran and Central Asia
  • Music and documentary/ethnographic filmmaking
  • Music and memory of the WWII Italian antifascist Resistenza
  • SONACT: Music | Memory | Politics Study Lab http://sonact.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/