Peer-reviewed Journal Publications
- Lyu, Menglan & Egermann, H. (in press). A cross-cultural study in Chinese and Western music: Cultural Advantages in recognition of emotions. Psychology of Music.
- Henry, N., Maloney, L., & Egermann, H. (2024). A mixed-method exploratory approach to identifying the utilitarian functions of music listening. Music & Science, 7, 20592043241266972. SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England.
- Paese, S., & Egermann, H. (2024). Meditation as a tool to counteract music performance anxiety from the experts’ perspective. Psychology of Music, 52(1), 59-74. DOI: 10.1177/03057356231155968.
- Egermann, H., Siebrasse, A., Weining, C., O’Neill, K., Tröndle, M., & Wald-Fuhrmann, M. (2024). Developing digital classical concert stream offerings–A typology of audience preferences. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 1-17. Routledge.
- Owen, C., Egermann, H., & Schiavio, A. (2024). Putting musical feelings into words: Children’s verbal descriptions of music-evoked experiences. Music & Science, 7, 20592043241265318. SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England.
- Gibbs, H. J., Czepiel, A., & Egermann, H. (2023). Physiological synchrony and shared flow state in Javanese gamelan: Positively associated while improvising, but not for traditional performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1214505. Frontiers Media SA.
- Tschacher, W., Greenwood, S., Egermann, H., Wald-Fuhrmann, M., Czepiel, A., & Tröndle, M., & Meier, D. (2023). Physiological synchrony in audiences of live concerts. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 17(2), 152. Educational Publishing Foundation.
- Wald-Fuhrmann, M., O’Neill, K., Weining, C., Egermann, H., & Tröndle, M. (2023). The influence of formats and preferences on the aesthetic experience of classical music concert streams. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.
- Kayser, D., Egermann, H., & Barraclough, N. E. (2022). Audience facial expressions detected by automated face analysis software reflect emotions in music. Behavior Research Methods, 54(3), 1493-1507.
- Detari, A., Clark, T., & Egermann, H. (2022). Musician’s Focal Dystonia: A mere neurological disorder? The role of non-organic factors in the onset of Musician’s Focal Dystonia: an exploratory Grounded Theory study. Journal of Music, Health, and Wellbeing.
- Détári, A., & Egermann, H. (2022). Musicians focal dystonia: the Practitioner’s perspective on psychological, psychosocial, and Behavioural risk factors and non-motor symptoms. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 37(3), 200-206.
- Détári, A., & Egermann, H. (2022). Towards a Holistic Understanding of Musician's Focal Dystonia: Educational Factors and Mistake Rumination Contribute to the Risk of Developing the Disorder. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, [882966].
- White, S. & Egermann, H. (2021). Do Free Dance Movements Communicate How We Feel? Investigating Emotion Recognition in Dance. Jahrbuch der deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie.
- Johnston, D., Egermann, H., & Kearney, G. (2022). The use of binaural based spatial audio in the reduction of auditory hypersensitivity in autistic young people. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), 12474 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191912474
- Kayser, D., Egermann, H. & Barraclough, N.E. Audience facial expressions detected by automated face analysis software reflect emotions in music. Behav Res 54, 1493–1507 (2022).
- Tschacher, W., Greenwood, S., Egermann, H., Wald-Fuhrmann, M., Czepiel, A., Tröndle, M., & Meier, D. (2021). Physiological synchrony in audiences of live concerts. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication.
- Wald-Fuhrmann, M., Egermann, H., O’Neill, K., Czepiel, A., Weining, C., Meier, D., Tschacher, W., Uhde, F., Toelle, J., Tröndle, M. (2021). Music Listening in Classical Concerts: Theory, Literature Review, and Research Program. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1324.
- O'Neill, K., & Egermann, H. (2022). Development of the Social Experience of a Concert Scales (SECS): The social experience of a live western art music concert influences people’s overall enjoyment of an event but not their emotional response to the music. Music & Science.
- Gibbs H and Egermann H (2021). Music-Evoked Nostalgia and Wellbeing During the United Kingdom COVID-19 Pandemic: Content, Subjective Effects, and Function. Front. Psychol. 12:647891. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.647891
- Henry, N., Kayser, D. and Egermann, H. (2021). Music in Mood Regulation and Coping Orientations in Response to COVID-19 Lockdown Measures Within the United Kingdom. Front. Psychol. 12:647879. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.647879.
- Egermann, H., & Reuben, F. (2020). “Beauty Is How You Feel Inside”: Aesthetic Judgments Are Related to Emotional Responses to Contemporary Music. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2959.
- O’Neill, K., & Egermann, H. (2020). Induced Empathy Moderates Emotional Responses to Expressive Qualities in Music. Musicae Scientiae.
- Lepa, S., Steffens, J., Herzog, M., Egermann, H. (2020). Popular Music as Entertainment Communication: How Perceived Semantic Expression Explains Liking Previously Unknown Music. Media and Communication, 8(3).
- Altun, F., & Egermann, H. (2021). Temperament systems influence emotion induction but not makam recognition performance in Turkish makam music. Psychology of Music, 49(5), 1088-1101.
- Lepa, S., Herzog, M., Steffens, J., Peeters, G., Schönrock, A., Egermann, H. (2020). A Computational Model for Predicting Perceived Musical Expression in Branding Scenarios. Journal of New Music Research.
- Détári, A., Egermann, H., Vaag, J., Berkjeset, O. (2020). Psychosocial work environment among musicians and in the general workforce in Norway. Frontiers in Psychology: Performance Science. 11: 1315. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01315
- Johnston, D., Egermann, H. Kearney, G. (2020) SoundFields: A Virtual Reality Game Designed to Address Auditory Hypersensitivity in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Applied Sciences (Special Issue Applications of Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality), 10, 2996.
- Irrgang, M., Steffens, J., Egermann, H., (2020). From Acceleration to Rhythmicity: Smartphone-Assessed Movement Predicts Properties of Music. Journal of New Music Research, 49.
- Herzog, M., Lepa, S., Egermann, H.., Schönrock, A., Steffens, J. (2020). Towards a common terminology for music branding campaigns. Journal of Marketing Management, 36.
- Johnston, D., Egermann, H., & Kearney, G. (2019). Measuring the Behavioural Response to Spatial Audio within a Multi-Modal Virtual Reality Environment in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Applied Sciences (Section: Computing and Artificial Intelligence), 9, 3152.
- Emerson, G. & Egermann, H. (2018). Exploring the Motivations for Building New Digital Musical Instruments. Musicae Scientiae.
- Daffern, H., Camlin, D. A., Egermann, H., Gully, A. J., Kearney, G., Neale, C., & Rees-Jones, J. (2018). Exploring the potential of virtual reality technology to investigate the health and well -being benefits of group singing. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 15(1), 1–22. doi:10.1080/14794713.2018.1558807
- Johnston, D., Egermann, H., & Kearney, G. (2018). Innovative computer technology in music-based interventions for individuals with autism moving beyond traditional interactive music therapy techniques. Cogent Psychology, 5(1), 1554773.
- Emerson, G., & Egermann, H. (2018). Gesture-sound causality from the audience’s perspective: Investigating the aesthetic experience of performances with digital musical instruments. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 12(1), 96-109.
- Irrgang, M., & Egermann, H. (2016). From Motion to Emotion: Accelerometer Data Predict Subjective Experience of Music. PloS ONE, 11(7), e0154360.
- Giordano, B., Egermann, H., & Bresin, R. (2014). The production and perception of emotionally expressive walking sounds: Similarities between musical performance and everyday motor activity. PLoS ONE 9(12): e115587.
- Lepa, S., Hoklas, A-K., Egermann, H., Weinzierl, S. (2015). Sound, materiality and embodiment challenges for the concept of 'musical expertise' in the age of digital mediatization. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 21(3), 294-300. 10.1177/1354856515579837
- Förstel, A. & Egermann, H. (2015). Die DJ-Performance im Club-Kontext – eine Beobachtungsstudie. Jahrbuch Musikpsychologie, 25, 117-133.
- Egermann, H., Fernando, N., Chuen, L., McAdams, S. (2015). Music induces universal emotion-related psychophysiological responses: comparing Canadian listeners to Congolese Pygmies. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1341.
- Fernando, N., Egermann, H., Chuen, L., Kimbembé, B. McAdams, S. (2014). Musique et émotion. Quand deux disciplines travaillent ensemble à mieux comprendre le comportement musical humain. Anthropologie et Société, 38(1),167-191.
- Egermann, H. & McAdams, S. (2013). Empathy and emotional contagion as a link between recognized and felt emotions in music listening. Music Perception, 31(2),137-153.
- Egermann, H., Pearce, M., Wiggins, G., McAdams, S. (2013). Probabilistic models of expectation violation predict psychophysiological emotional responses to live concert music. Cognitive Affective Behavioral Neuroscience, 13(3), 533-553.
- Egermann, H., Kopiez, R., Altenmüller, E. (2013). The Influence of Social Normative and Informational Feedback on Musically Induced Emotions in an Online Music Listening Setting. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 23(1), 21-32.
- Egermann, H., Sutherland, M. E., Grewe, O., Nagel, F., Kopiez, R., Altenmüller, E. (2011). Does music listening in a social context alter experience? A physiological and psychological perspective on emotion. Musicae Scientiae, 15(3), 307-323.
- Egermann, H., Nagel, F., Kopiez, R., Altenmüller, E. (2009). Continuous Measurement of Musically-Induced Emotion - A Web Experiment. International Journal of Internet Science, 4(1), 4-20.
- Egermann, H., Grewe, O., Kopiez, R., Altenmüller, E. (2009). Social feedback influences musically induced emotions. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1169, 346-350.
- Sutherland, M., Grewe, Egermann, H., Nagel, F., Kopiez, R., Altenmüller, E. (2009). The Influence of Social Situations on Music Listening. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1169, 363-367.
- Egermann, H., Kopiez, R., Reuter, C. (2006). Is there an effect of subliminal messages in music on choice behavior? Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis, 4(2), 32-46.
Other publications
- Kreuzer, M., Wald-Fuhrmann, M., Weining, C., Meier, D., O’Neill, K., Tschacher, W., Tröndle, M., & Egermann, H. (2023). Digital concert experience: An online research project on live streaming during the pandemic. In Classical music and opera during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: Empirical research on the digital transformation of socio-cultural institutions and aesthetic forms (pp. 95-112). Springer Nature Switzerland Cham.
- Egermann, H., Lepa, S., Herzog, M., & Steffens, J. (2022). Evidenzbasierte Praxis im Music Branding–Musikalische Markenkommunikation wird erwachsen. In H. Schwetter, L. Grünewald-Schukalla, & M. Ahlers (Eds.), Musik & Marken: Jahrbuch Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung 2021 (Jahrbuch für Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung). Springer.
- Tröndle, M., Greenwood, S., Ramakrishnan, C., Uhde, F., Egermann, H., & Tschacher, W. (2022). Integrated Methods: A Call for Integrative and Interdisciplinary Aesthetics Research. In M. Nadal, & O. Vartanian (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Aesthetics Oxford University Press.
- Egermann, H. (2019). Creating a Sounding Image: Psychological Aspects of Audio Branding. In M. Grimshaw, M. Walther-Hansen, & M. Knakkergaard (Hrsg.), The Oxford Handbook of Sound & Imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Egermann, H. & Kreutz, G. (2017). Emotionen und ästhetische Gefühle. In A. C. Lehmann & R. Kopiez (Hrsg.), Handbuch Musikpsychologie. Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe.
- Bovermann, T., de Campo, A., Egermann, H., Hardjowirogo, S., Weinzierl S., (2017). Introduction. In T. Bovermann, A. de Campo, H. Egermann, S-I. Hardjowirogo, S. Weinzierl (Hrsg.) Musical Instruments in the 21st Century: Identities, Configurations, Practices (S. 1-5). Singapore: Springer.
- Emerson, G., & Egermann, H. (2017). Mapping, Causality and the Perception of Instrumentality: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to the Audience’s Experience of Digital Musical Instruments. In T. Bovermann, A. de Campo, H. Egermann, S-I. Hardjowirogo, S. Weinzierl (Hrgs.), Musical Instruments in the 21st Century: Identities, Configurations, Practices (S. 363-370). Singapore: Springer.
- Egermann, H. & Lothwesen, K.S. (2017). Musikforschung 2.0 - Internet-basierte Erhebungsmethoden. In Schulten, M. L. & Lothwesen, K. S. (Hrsg.) Methoden empirischer Forschung in der Musikpädagogik (S. 183-202). Eine anwendungsbezogene Einführung. Münster, Germany: Lit.
- Muellensiefen, D., Egermann, H., Burrows, S. (2015). Radio station jingles: How statistical learning applies to a special genre of audio logos. In K. Bronner, R. Hirt, C. Ringe (Hrsg.), Audio Branding Yearbook 2014-2015 (S. 53-72). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Egermann, H. (2013). Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Hörererwartungen und Emotionen. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie, 10(2), 329-344.
- Egermann, H. (2013). Linking Theories of Emotion-Induction to Applications in Audio Branding. In K. Bronner, R. Hirt, C. Ringe (Hrsg.). Audio Branding Yearbook 2012-2013 (S.155-167). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Egermann, H. & Haller, K. (2009). Ohrwurm auf Bestellung, Einblicke in die akustische Markenführung. Research & Results, 3, 50-51.
- Egermann, H. (2009). Music influences listeners’ emotion – A Review on Evidence from Psychological and Physiological Research. Jahrbuch Musiktherapie/Music Therapy Annual, 5, 35-58.
- Johnston, D., Egermann, H., & Kearney, G. (2019). An Interactive Spatial Audio Experience for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Audio Engineering Society Conference: 2019 AES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio. Retrieved from
- Johnston, D., Egermann, H., Kearney, G. (2018). SoundFields: A Mixed Reality Spatial Audio Game for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Audio Engineering Society, Convention e-Brief 129, Presented at the 145th Convention 2018 October 17 – 20, New York, NY, USA, 1-5.
- Irrgang, M., Steffens, J., Egermann, H. (2018). Smartphone-Assessed Movement Predicts Music Properties: Towards Integrating Embodied Music Cognition into Music Recommender Services via Accelerometer. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Movement Computing (MOCO '18), ACM Digital Library,1-4.
- Steffens, J., Lepa, S., Herzog, M., Schoenrock, A., Egermann, H., Herzog, M. (2018). „Bridging the Semantic Gap“ – Kann der semantische Ausdruck von Musik mithilfe von akustischen Signaleigenschaften vorhersagt werden? In Fortschritte der Akustik: Tagungsband d. 44. DAGA. München, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik, 1-4.
- Steffens, J., Egermann, H., Schoenrock, A., Herzog, M., Lepa, S. (2017). Entwicklung eines Systems zur automatischen Musikempfehlung im Kontext des Music Brandings. In Fortschritte der Akustik: Tagungsband d. 43. DAGA. Nürnberg, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik, 1-4.
- Steffens, J., Egermann, H., Schoenrock, A., Herzog, M., Lepa, S. (2017) High-level chord features extracted from audio can predict perceived musical expression. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Suzhou, China: ISMIR, 1-2.
- Herzog, M., Lepa, S., Steffens, J., Schoenrock, A., Egermann, H. (2017). Predicting Musical Meaning in Audio Branding Scenarios. In Proceedings of the 25th Anniversary Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Science of Music, Ghent, Belgium: ESCOM, 75-79.
- von Coler, H., Treindl, G., Egermann, H., Weinzierl, S. (2017). Development and Evaluation of an Interface with Four-Finger Pitch Selection. In Proceedings of the 142nd Audio Engineering Society Convention. Hamburg, Germany: Audio Engineering Society, 1-8.
- Herzog, M., Lepa, S., Egermann, H. (2016). Towards automatic music recommendation for audio branding scenarios. Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, New York, United States: ISMIR, 1-3.
- Irrgang, M., Egermann, H., Acar, E., Lommatzsch, A. (2015). Predicting Geneva Emotional Music Scale ratings based on PDA-assessed gestural motion data. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR) Music, Mind, and Embodiment, Plymouth, UK, June 2015.
- Papadogianni, M., Egermann, H., Weinzierl, S. (2015). Auditive and audiotactile music perception of cochlear implant users. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the German Acoustical Society, Nürnberg, Germany, March 2015.
- Egermann, H., Förstel, A., Lehrbach, N., Wende, M. (2015). Swinging to the beat: Movement induction in electronic dance music. In J. Ginsborg, A. Lamont, & S. Bramley (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the Ninth Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music. (S. 338-340). Manchester: Chapel Press.
- Förstel, A., Hardjowirogo, S-I., Egermann, H. (2015). The Actions that Make a Musical Instrument. Exploring Club-DJing as an Instrumental Practice. In R. Kronland-Martinet, M. Aramaki, S. Ystad, & J. Eaton (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR) Music, Mind, and Embodiment. (S. 762-769). (Publications of the LMA). Marseille, France: The Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics.
- Steger, D., Egermann, H., Weinzierl, S. (2015). Spielbewegungen von Musikinstrumenten und deren Bedeutung für das Klangergebnis - Ein experimentelle Analyse durch Motion Tracking klassischer Orchesterinstrumente und Auralisation der Bewegungsdaten. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the German Acoustical Society, Nürnberg, Germany, March 2015.
- Hardjowirogo, S.-I. & Egermann, H. (2014). Systematizing history: A database for electronic and digital musical instruments including functional and aesthetical properties. Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology, Berlin, Germany, December 2014.
- Bovermann, T., Egermann, H., Foerstel, A., Hardjowirogo, S.-I., Hinrichsen, A., Hildebrand Marques Lopes, D., Pysiewicz, A., Weinzierl, S., de Campo, A. (2014). 3DMIN - Challenges and interventions for the Design, Development and Dissemination of New Musical Instruments. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Athens, Greece July 2014.
- Graefe, C., Egermann, H. (2014). Die Verwendung von hierarchischen linearen Modellen zur Audio-Feature-basierten Vorhersage von kontinuierlichen emotionalen Reaktionen auf Musik. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the German Acoustical Society, Oldenburg, Germany, March 2014.
- Pysiewicz, A., Egermann, H. (2014). Untersuchung zur Validität von Hörversuchen im Internet. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the German Acoustical Society, Oldenburg, Germany, March 2014.
- Egermann, H., Nagel, F., Kopiez & R. Altenmüller, E. (2006). Online measurement of emotional musical experiences using internet-based methods - An exploratory approach. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), Bologna, Italy, August 2006.
Edited Books and Monographs
- Lepa, S., Müller-Lindenberg, R., & Egermann, H. (Eds.) (2023). Classical music and opera during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: Empirical research on the digital transformation of socio-cultural institutions and aesthetic forms. Springer.
- Bovermann, T., de Campo, A., Egermann, H., Hardjowirogo, S-I., Weinzierl, S. (2017) (Eds.). Musical Instruments in the 21st Century: Identities, Configurations, Practices. Singapore: Springer.
- Egermann, H. (2010). Social Influences on Emotions Experiences During Music Listening – An Exploratory Study Using Physiological and Web-Based Psychological Methods. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin: Berlin.
- Egermann, H. (2008). Emotionen@Musik. Was Musikhörer empfinden – Eine Internet-Studie zur Emotionsmessung. Tectum Verlag: Marburg.