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Cologne Systematic Musicology Lab (CSML)

The Cologne Systematic Musicology Lab (CSML) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Hauke Egermann works with empirical methods to investigate the production and reception of music in a wide variety of media and non-media contexts.

The research focuses on a wide variety of areas, in particular the following:

  • Music and Emotion
  • Concert and Audience Research
  • Empirical Aesthetics of Music
  • Embodied Music Cognition
  • Performance Research
  • Intercultural Music Cognition
  • Digital Music Media and Technology

How do music listeners/creators react physically to music performed live or to music on a streaming service? What do they report about their emotions or cognitions and what kind of behavior do they display? In CSML's empirical research, quantitative and qualitative methods, physiological measurements and computational analyses are linked together in order to explore current research questions in all their complexity.

Group members are: 


