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Musik, Sprache, Emotion: Perspektiven aus der Kognitionspsychologie
Daniela Sammler (Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany)

Nicht-repräsentationale Weltbeziehung der Musik
Jin Hyun Kim (Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany)

Using EEG for language and music cognition research
Clemens Maidhof (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK) & Rie Asano

Computational Musicology: Eine elementare Einführung mit Python 3 unter Jupyter Notebook
Sebastian Klaßmann

Computational Cognitive Musicology
Rie Asano


Lecture series: Language and Music in Cognition (Program)
(Thursday 16:00-17:30, Musiksaal at the Institute of Musicology)

Introduction to EEG data analysis for music and language cognition research
Dr. Clemens Maidhof
(30. Nov, 01. Dec, 14. Dec, 15. Dec, 10:00-17:00, RRZK 133 Kursraum 1)

Comparative research on language and music: Neurocognitive models
Rie Asano
(Wednesday 12:00-13:30, Alter Seminarraum at the Institute of Musicology)

Evolution of language and music: Computational evolutionary neuroscience
Rie Asano
(Friday 14:00-15:30, Alter Seminarraum at the Institute of Musicology)

Computational Musicology
Sebastian Klassmann
(Monday 12:00-13:30, Alter Seminarraum at the Institute of Musicology)

Empirisches Arbeiten in der Sprachforschung: Untersuchungsdesign und Statistik
Prof. Martina Penke
(Friday 12:00-13:30, 906 seminar room S183)

Computational Music Cognition
Prof. Uwe Seifert
(Tuesday 16:00-17:30, Alter Seminarraum at the Institute of Musicology)

Critical Thinking
Prof. Uwe Seifert
(Thursday 12:00-13:30, Alter Seminarraum at the Institute of Musicology)

Evolution of Music and Music-Readiness
Prof. Uwe Seifert
(Tuesday 14:00-15:30, Alter Seminarraum at the Institute of Musicology)

Elementare Statistik für Musikwissenschaft: Einführung in grundlegende Konzepte und R
(Elementary statistics for Musicology: Introduction to basic concepts and R)
Timo Varelmann
(Tuesday 12:00-13:30, Musiksaal at the Institute of Musicology)

Sprache und Kognition
Dr. Sarah Verlage
(Friday 10:00-11:30, 211 seminar room S102)

Program of the lecture series

Rie Asano (University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany)

2018-10-18 (Abstract)
Jasmin Pfeifer (University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf)
Thank you for the Music - or not?!

2018-10-25 (Abstract)
Yuki Asano (University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany)
Mental representations and the memory of lexical prosody across languages, across speech and non-speech

2018-11-08 (Abstract)
Elliot Murphy (University College London, London, UK)
An oscillatory account of musical and linguistic rhythm

2018-11-15 (Abstract)
Sarah Verlage (University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany)
When language meets number: Quantifier knowledge in typically and atypically developing children

Neuroscientific methods in language and music cognition research

2018-11-29 !!!Cancelled!!!
Nicole Neef (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany & University Medical Center Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany)
Breaks in speech but break into song: Brain basis of speech and music in stuttering

2018-12-06 (Abstract)
Christian Kell (Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany)
Why does the left brain excel in speech production and dexterity? On time processing and hierarchical binding

2018-12-13 (Abstract)
Hedde Zeijlstra (Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany)
Merge and movement in language and music

Volker Struckmeier (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany)
Parallel structures in language and music: How robust are they?

2019-01-10 (Abstract)
Doris Mücke & Rie Asano (University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany)
Motor control and timing in speech and music: Perspectives from neural disorders

Sebastian Klaßmann, Timo Varelmann, Nils Dahmen, Uwe Seifert (University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany)
Jupyter Notebook as experiential-learning environment for cognitive and computational musicology

Rie Asano (University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany)


Structure in Human Language Syntax – and other Cognitive Domains
PD Dr. Volker Struckmeier
(Monday 12:00-13:30, 106 Seminarraum S26)

Motor control and timing in speech and music: Perspectives from neural disorders
PD Dr. Doris Mücke & Rie Asano
(Wednesday 12:00-13:30, Alter Seminarraum at the Institute of Musicology)

Music-Readiness II: Musik, Sprache und Evolution
Prof. Dr. Uwe Seifert
(Wednesday 12:00-13:30, Neuer Seminarraum at the Institute of Musicology)

Computational Musicology: eine Einführung mit Jupyter
Sebastian Klassmann & Timo Varelmann

Empirical methods in language and music cognition research: Introduction to experimental work with EEG
Dr. Clemens Maidhof & Rie Asano
(8-9 and 29-30 June, Alter Seminarraum & Systematischer Arbeitsraum at the Institute of Musicology)


Lecture Series: Introduction to language, music, and cognition
(Thursday 18:00-19:30; Seminargebäude S21)

Basic and hands-on seminar: Introduction to EEG research methods and data analysis
Dr. Clemens Maidhof & Rie Asano
(2017.12.01, 2017.12.15, and 2017.12.16; Rooms in RRZK)

Hands-on seminar: Praatprogrammierung
Prof. Aria Adli & Roman Pfeifer
(Monday 17:45-19:15 + 2017.11.11. and 2017.12.09.; Philosophikum S85 and 1.307)

Statistische Methoden der Datenanalyse in R - eine Einführung
Timo Varelmann
(Tuesday 12:00-13:30; Alter Seminarraum, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut)

Agentenbasierte Modellierung in Sprache und Musik II: Vertiefung
Prof. Aria Adli & Prof. Uwe Seifert
(2017.10.10, 2017.10.21.10, 2017.11.18.11, 2017.12.02.12; Alter Seminarraum)

Program for the lecture series

Rie Asano (Musicology, University of Cologne, Germany)
"Recursive Hierarchical Embedding in the Visual, Motor and Musical Domains"
Mauricio Martins (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany)
"Children's acquisition of music terminology"
Sarah Verlage (Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Cologne, Germany)
Markus Philipp (German language and literature, University of Cologne, Germany)
"Tiefenhirnstimulation und Sprechmotorik" ("Deep Brain Stimulation and Speech Motor Control")
Doris Mücke (Linguistics/Phonetics, University of Cologne, Germany)
"Worauf achtet unser Gehirn? Aufmerksamkeit und die Rolle von Vorhersagbarkeit aus Sicht der Neurowissenschaften"
Simone Vossel (Neuropsychology, University of Cologne, Germany)
"Intonation and the Autism Spectrum"
Martine Grice (Linguistics/Phonetics, University of Cologne, Germany)
"Neural correlates of music performance: from motor control to improvisation during music therapy"
Clemens Maidhof (School of Performance, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK)
"What is language? And why (oh why) do we need grammars?"
Volker Struckmeier (English Study, University of Cologne, Germany)
"Syntax in Language and Music"
Rie Asano
"Language Development"
Martina Penke
"CRUM-BS – Viel Lärm um nichts? Kognitionswissenschaft und Musikwissenschaft"
Uwe Seifert
